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Sonship Quiz

By | January 28, 2010

  1. The bible says we were “dead” before Christ. Where is that found?
  2. When we except Christ as our Lord and Savior, what part of us is made alive?
  3. What does the bible say Jesus did to the spirits in prison? What was its effect?
  4. What is the role of the law?
  5. What does the law teach?
  6. How many persons are in the Godhead? Who are they?
  7. All persons in the Godhead have roles but which one has a name? Why is this important?
  8. Which person in the Godhead transfers us from darkness to the kingdom of Christ?
  9. The state of being and adopted child of God is called?
  10. What is one of the benefits of being a child of God versus a servant only?
  11. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in Sonship?
  12. Jesus walked on this earth as God exhibiting His power. True or False?
  13. Jesus manifested supernatural powers on earth how did He do it?
  14. In Matthew 17, what was the temple tax? Secular use?
  15. In Exodus, what was the temple tax’s purpose spiritually?
  16. Who paid the temple tax?
  17. Religion is a means to an end which greater faith in Christ. What is religion called when it is an “end” in itself?
  18. In Matt 17, when Jesus says the “sons are free” what is He referring to?
  19. In Matt 17, knowing that the temple tax has become legalistic, why does Jesus tell Peter to pay it?
  20. What is He teaching us about how we are to operate as believers today?

Topics: Bible Study, Young Adult | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Sonship Quiz”

  1. Kylie Batt Says:
    April 16th, 2010 at 11:09 pm


    ????????? ????
    The bible says we were “dead” before Christ…..
